Eva Tezler, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Contact Information:
Email: ehtelzer@unc.edu
Website: http://dsnlab.web.unc.edu/

Research Interests & Goals:
Eva Telzer is an Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology at the Univerisity of North Carolina Chapel Hill. She directs the Developmental Social Neuroscience Lab. The DSN Lab uses multimethod tools including longitudinal assessments, fMRI, daily diaries, and diurnal cortisol to examine how social and cultural processes shape brain development. Eva’s research focuses on both antisocial (e.g., risk taking and substance use) and prosocial (e.g., helping and empathy) behaviors from childhood to adulthood, with a focus on adolescence as a particularly sensitive and flexible phase of brain development. She seeks to examine how family and peer relationships shape the long-term psychological well-being of youth via changes in brain function and structure.